Thursday 3 November 2011

TASK 2: Research Into Existing Products.

Textual analysis of the opening of Halloween (1978) directed by john carpenter.

A COMPASS INTERNATIONAL PICTURES RELEASE. -logo- yellow Black Background. Yellow is a happy colour then it turns orange to red. Red is an evil colour, may refer to blood.
This image would give a spooky opening, making it look like something scary is about to happen after the opening has ended, as the same creepy music continues after the subtitles have finished. 

Camera angles.
 - zooms in to pumpkin ( close up) as subtitles at the begin are appearing on the right, then does an extreme close up of the pumpkins eye. Then it disappears.
This gives a spooky atmosphere to the viewer as the camera is gradually zooming in to an image of horror then boom it just disappears. This may make the viewer feel scared about whats going to happen next in the movie.

- subjective point of view: - in the beginning of the film, it's showing the characters point of view, there are no cuts. This gives the viewer a sight on what the character can see. When the camera is doing this, the viewer will automatically know that this character is the bad guy as the music sounds very creepy and the character seems to be spying on a girl and a boy in a house and as the boy and girl both walk up the stairs, the character walks into the house, and grabs the biggest knife of the kitchen draw, then begins to creep up the stairs after the boy leaves the house. This character then begins to walk up the stairs and goes into the room where the girl is. The viewer then see's this character walking towards the girl, then the girl shouts this characters name, and then all of a sudden, the girl gets stabbed to death by the big kitchen knife. After, the camera zooms out onto a little boys face with him holding the knife which is now covered in the girls blood, which appears to be the little boys big sister, that he has just killed.
mise en scene.
- an image of a pumpkin appears, shows horror.
- the sound of the opening, is a creepy serious tone, making it sound scary.
- dark night and there is cricket noises.
- when the the light goes out in the bedroom, the music jumps to high pitched and can make the watcher jump, making it more creepy
- In the first part of the scene you can hear children laughing.
At the opening of the movie (the subtitles) there is a creepy serious tone that is played by a piano and another kind of instrument, making the viewer feel scared. When it opens to the scene, the music from the subtitles continues but it is overlapped  by hearing children laughing, making the viewer think that there is going to be children involved in this horror movie, making them feel even more terrified. As the subjective point of view shot of the character walks on towards the house, the sound of the children laughing fades and then you just hear some creepy music which is overlapped by cricket noises, giving it a spooky atmosphere. As that character see's the girl and boy walk up stairs in the house, the character looks up to the window, and the lights go out, the the music makes a very high pitched creepy noise, making the viewer jump.

The opening of Red Dragon. Directed by Brett Ratner (2003).

The opening of this film start with a creepy mysterious tone, overlapping the studio logo which is universal studios. The titles are in red and white. The red represents danger,evilness,blood, or violence. The white shows purity, innocents, and goodness. It's a bit like the angel Vs devil kind of thing; good against evil. The titles are on a black background, making it spooky and also makes the titles stand out a lot clearer.After the black background it goes to a long shot view of a stage with loads of people playing instruments, and then does medium close ups and close ups of individuals on the stage that are playing the instruments. The camera then pulls out and goes into the audience and does a juxtaposition shot of Hannible Lector, sitting in the middle of the audience. The camera the zooms into his face to a close up and he focusing on a flute player who it playing on the stage, as the camera cuts back and forth to Hannible, and then to the flute player. This shows that something is going to happen to the flute player as you can tell by the way Hannible is looking and focusing at him, and the way the camera moves, and also the music that is playing, you can hear the flute loader than the rest of the instruments. The setting then goes into a house full of people, and does a horizontal tracking of all the guests sitting around a table in a dinning area with plates of food that hannible has served. All of the guests including hannible are in smart wear, for example, the men are in suits and the girls are in very smart dresses. This show that they are in a high class as they are in very smart wear and the setting around them looks posh, and also only rich people tend to go and watch musical shows. As one of the women suggests that one of the flute players are still missing, the camera then focuses on Hannibles face and he has a suspiscious look, maening that he may have something to do with it as he was focusing on a flute player in the audience. After this the women then asks what meat is it that she is eating, and he replies if i tell you that you wouldn't want to go near it. The camera then focuses on the women trying the meat with hannible next to her, and the does a focus pull where the woman becomes out of focus, but hannibles face becomes more into focus as he is watching her eat the meat. This could suggest that the women is eating something which is bad, it could be the flute player that she is eating. After this, the camera then cuts to hannible clearing everyones mess up, and then you hear a knock at the door. As Hannible answers the door it was an inspector. They then go and sit down on a desk and the camera the does a shot-revearse-shot of them both having a conversation about who could be the killer of all these missing people and where these scars and injuries have come from on people. After this the camera focuses on hannible as he is leaving the room. The inspector then gets up and looks around the room. The camera does a vertical tracking from down upwards of some shelves in Hannibles house. It then does a close up shot on a book and then goes to the inspectors face. The inspector then opens the book and then finds that hannible is the one who is killing these poeple as he has wrote notes on how to, and does an extreme close up on the inspectors eyes looking concerned. This shows that Hannible is in a lot of trouble as the inspector has found out what he is doing. All of a sudden the camera the pulls out and Hannible stabs the inspector as he doesn't want to get into trouble and be in jail for the rest of his life. The camera then does a vertical tracking again but from up to down as the inspector falls to the ground, but it then focuses on Hannible who is walking backwards, and then does a vertical tracking again from his face to his stomach as the inspector manages to stab him with arrows. Hannible then tries to walk forward and then the inspector all of a sudden shoots him.
This is good for the beggining as it would makes viewers want to see more and what actually happens in the rest of the movie. It leaves you on a cliff hanger as you don't know what happens to the inspector and what actually happens to Hannible Lector.

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