Tuesday 15 November 2011

Mood Board.

A mood board is a type of poster design that may consist of images, text, and samples of objects in a composition of the choice of the mood Creator. (for example a graphic designer).

Romantic Comedy.

Romantic comedy's normally have pop music at the opening's to show it is going to be a funny romantic film. There are always pretty icons in romantic movies such as flowers to show love or they may link to weddings. The men in this genre of movies always seem to be good looking and flirtatious The women normally have attractive features such as big eyes and big lips, and the always try their best to impress. The men and women in these movies seem to be like this as some viewers of the movies look at them as role models because of how attractive they are, so these movies may get much more viewers as they like the characters. You always tend to see couples going on dates, such as going out for meals where they sit opposite each other and they always send to have red wine. The red wine represents love and passion as it is a deep red colour and also it's mainly the expensive wine, so the date is always impressive. In some romantic comedy's, there is sometimes weddings which shows love and happiness, and you may see some dates in movies where the man proposes to the woman, and you see a shot of the engagement ring.


In horror movies, there always tends to be blood. This is because blood is a red colour, and red can resemble to horror and gory things which can frighten the viewers. There is also some spooky masks which normally killers wear to scare people as they are normally frightening masks. In horror movies, it always seems to be in darkness, as darkness is more spooky which makes people scared because you can't really see in the dark and in films, scary scenes always happen in the dark, so when the viewers go to sleep in the dark it will spook them out as their psychological mind will automatically think about the scary scenes which may give them nightmares! In some horrors, candle light or torch light is used in dark scenes such as being in a dark scary forest or a scary corridor or a house, to give a scary atmosphere making it more creepy. Weapons are sometimes used such as guns, knifes, or anything that kills living things. Paleness on the spooky characters is mainly used to show that they are deadly, making the viewer scared. Spooky dolls or clowns are used because normally dolls and clowns are normally happy and positive towards children, but when they are turned into horror icons, it makes the viewers of the movie become frightened of them.


in most thriller movies, you always tend to see crime. For example, there is mainly guns that are used, to show action in movies, which really grab peoples attention. They can also include terrorism which might bring fear and thrill, as terrorism happens sometimes around the world these days. In some thriller movies, you tend to see hazards such as explosions and poisonous items which brings a dangerous atmosphere within the movie, making it more exciting to watch. In some thrillers, you always see pretty women for example 'Angelina Jolie'. This is because people would look up to pretty women as role models which makes the thriller movie even more good for them. Sometimes in thriller movies, you tend to see terrorists or robbers wearing masks, so that the police or other people wouldn't recognise them making the thriller movie more attension grabbing and it would bring thrill to the viewer. You sometimes see gangsters in thriller movies, as they always have weapons and the tend to steal money and kill people. Gangsters tend to make the movie more interesting as they bring so much thrill to the movie. In other thriller movies, you tend to see that some of the characters such as spys and gangsters, tend to have really expensive cars. This shows that they are higher class people as they can afford to have really high standard cars. Also, you see most thriller movies in big citys such as New York, as they are places that are good for action.

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