Monday 14 November 2011

Contrasting and comparing the openings of romantic comedys.

How to lose a guy in 10 days. (2003) - Directed by Donald Petrie.
- This film opens up with a kind of pop song, overlapping a studio logo, which was Paramount. This makes the film to look more of a happy, funny genre, compared to the horror movies i have done in the previous. After, the pop song still continues but then lyrics appear within the beat of the song, and pictures of womens magazines appear like a kind of slide show. The main girl in the film named Andie Anderson (Kate Hudson) seems to be a journalist, as images of pages in magazines appear with her name and picture. The subtitles also appear over the scene of the opening in bright bold colours, and they slide in; this resembles that it is a happy positive film and not a scary one as it doesn't look spooky or have dark negative features. The two main characters are played by Kate Hudson and Matthew McConaughy. In the subtitles, Kate Hudson's and Matthew McConaughy's name appear on the screen at the same time, but Kate Hudson's name is slightly higher on the right than Matthew McConaughy's as Kate is more well known and more famous that Matthew. Kate Hudsons name is in pink bold writing; this refers to her as a female. And Matthew McConaughys name is in blue; this refers he is a male.
In this film, Andie Anderson (kate Hudson) seems to be a smart intelligent girl as she is a journalist and she works for a popular magazine company. She seems to write stories in the magazines about 'How' to do things, such as 'How to talk your way out of a parking ticket'. She writes this after she almost gets a parking ticket from a male police man- she's a journalist who has power over men as to where she obviously writes a story about 'How to lose a guy in 10 days' refering to the title of the film.
The magazine company is in NewYork; this is a glamorous place where most girls would love to work!
When you see the man (Matthew McConaughy) arriving on a motor bike, a type of rocky music appears, showing that he is cool. When he pulls up outside the magazine company, he take's his helmet off in a glamorous way; this shows that he knows he is cool, and loves himself.
In ROM-COMS, couples always seem to be attractive as you never really see unattractive couples. This is because the directors know that some people look up to movie characters, so it might make more people to watch the movie, as the actors/actressers can be specific rolemodels to people.
When the man comes off his bike, two smartly dressed women come out of the building and stand next to the man. The man is wearing a leather jacket with jeans, and the girls are in smart suites. This shows the women are power dressed as they look better and more intelligent than the man.
Just Like Heaven. (2005) Director-Mark Waters.
- The opening opens up with a soft gentle tone overlapping the DreamWorks logo. This suggests that the movie is going to be a soft romantic comedy. After the production, there's a view of falling down in floating clouds, with the subtitles floating in and out. the subtitles were slightly bold in bright colours such as pink, purple, and yellow. This shows that the movie is going to be in a happy positive film as the colour show happiness as they are bright whereas in the horror movies, the colours are dark and full of fear with the evil reds and orange's and greens. As the clouds start to fade, you see the title appear ( Just Like Heaven) on the right hand side and you see a girl on the left hand side. This is called juxtaposition . After this, there is a shot of the girl sitting in a garden full of pretty pink and white flowers. All of this links to 'heaven' as you see the white fluffy clouds at the beginning, and then you see an image of a pretty garden full of bright flowers. All of a sudden, after this scene, you hear a doctor waking the girl up, she was actually dreaming that she was in heaven. The girl is a stereo typical woman as she has blond hair and blue eyes; this is because most men find these type of girl attractive. the girl seems to be a doctor; this shows that she is intelligent to be good enough for a doctor and also in the movie, it shows that she can multitask, so she is a very clever woman. She also seems to be kind too as she saves ill patients and she cheers poorly children up. In the next scene, you see all the woman doctors in the bathroom, and they are all complaining about their hard lives, about their husbands kids and work. One of the doctors says to the main girl that all she needs to worry about is work as she doesn't have a family, but her face looks all sad as if to say she would love to have a family. Next, she is on the phone to her sister (whilst  she is in the car 'driving'), and her sister has set her up on a date. Her sister has a mad house, as she has two naughty daughters of young ages who are causing trouble and has a loving husband. After, the girl puts the phone down and she sees a big truck coming her way, then all of a sudden she crashes and you see a screen full of white. This shows that the girl has died...

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