Tuesday 1 November 2011

Preliminary Task

In the preliminary task, we used the 180° rule. This is where you have to keep the camera on the 180° line on one side of the scene, for exampe, the characters are on the same side/position (left or right)  through the whole clip.
 Me and my group did the preliminary task on a scene called 'one last mission'. I was recording the scene as the other two pupils were acting.
In the scene, Tori is always on the left hand side and josh is always stays on the right hand side on the 180° angle.
In between the scene, we did a camera shot of a match-of-action. This is a shot-cut-shot-cut-shot, for example in the video above, Tori passes over the memory stick over to Josh and the camera shows Tori passing the memory stick over to Josh, then the camera does a shot called the match on action, where it's doing an extreme close up of of tori handing over the memory stick to josh, the the camera pulls out and you see josh recieving the memory stick.

In this video, we did a shot-revearse-shot where the two characters are talking, but the camera is cuts to one character to another, when they are having a conversation.

We did another shot called the over-the-shoulder shot, where the camera is behind one of the characters shoulder, but you can still see that characters shoulder which will be out of focus with the other character in the background over that characters shoulder talking or doing any other kind of activity as it will be a area of focus. In the above video, we did two over-the-shoulder shots; one where the camera is behind josh and is focusing on tori, and the other one is where it is behind tori and is focusing on josh. When the camera is behind josh, it shows that tori looks high up, which shows that she is in a higher class than josh, as she is ment to be the top boss in 'one last mission', and josh looks lower down than her which shows that he is in middle class as he is ment to be the best spy.

This shows a diagram of the 180° rule.

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