Thursday 15 March 2012


1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real life media products?

In our opening of a fiction film , we used atmospheric music that brings tension and fear towards the viewer so that they would know that the film is a horror.  The type of music sounds like there are a use of different instruments. At the very beginning it sounds like a  keyboard or something that plays special effects is making the tunes, so that it makes it sound scary and creepy. At the bit where the girl walks up to the window, it sounds like there are violins playing at a very high pitch, so that the viewer will feel scared as they know something scary is about to happen as the music gets higher and higher.  Near the end where all the action takes place, sounds like drums are playing, so it really brings the tension to the film. We used this type of music as it is conventional in horror movies such as 28 days later, which is a zombie movie like ours. We both looked at this zombie movie, and picked out some ideas. For example, we have human survivors that are trying to get away from the zombies, and so does 28 days later.
Our titles at the beginning of our opening, are bold and red, that have a glowing effect. We chose this as the colour red, resembles red blood, danger, fear, and also gives the viewer the impression it's a horror. When the subtitles changed we added a 'dip to black' between them whilst in the background, there are shots of the zombies outside, and when the title comes up it does a 'dip to white' because it brings a flash to the title which is in capital letters that is very eye catching. The zombie shots were taken when the sky was dull and slightly turning into a full night sky to give that horror atmosphere to the filming, it makes it more of a negative image and more spooky.
Our horror film 'THEM' followed conventions by using young victims as the survivors as other most other zombie movies do, as they have more energy and are more younger to get away quick from the zombies. In 28 days later, their zombies are attracted to any sign of light at the night time and so are ours.

Our title 'THEM' has already been made into a film, which was made many years ago in 1954. However, this movie is about gigantic ants that is an American black and white science fiction film created by Warner Bros. Picture Inc. Ours is in colour and has a lot more newer effects in it and is also in colour as we have newer technology. Ours is also about zombies, and is an English film that is created by VC Tamworth Media Productions. However, without realising, we have done a similar title to theirs, except ours glows and had a 'dip to white' when it appears on the screen.

Another point about our opening of a fiction film, is that we didn't use one character which was Charlie. This is because the character wasn't able to make it to our filming as they were on holiday. So what we did was changed the characters slightly, by having Shelly (played by Beckie Utting) play the grumpy one, and do act Charlie's roles. However, we kept Ray (played by Nathan Edwards) and Anna (played by Katie Utting) the same, so that it would make the film fit perfectly.

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

The social groups that we used in our opening of a fiction film were teenagers aged 14-16 years of age, 2 who are boys, and 4 who are girls. There ethnicity are white British and they are all in the middle class (social) as this is the main ethnicity and class within Tamworth, as it is very hard to collect different classes and different ethnicity's. However, this is mainly conventional in some zombie movies, for example, in Shaun of the dead, and Dog house, they are mainly British characters as it is a British film, and they also play characters from a middle/ working class, but they are not teenagers, they are mainly adults, so our zombie movie would be unconventional to most zombie films.

When we continue with our film, we plan to add more characters of different ethnicity's such as black British people. We also plan to use people from different areas. This is so that our film seems more realistic and that a zombie invasion has hit all across the country. It would also make our film look good as we are using a different range of people, and not just people from the same area. We are also going to add people of an older age, as adults are mainly conventional in zombie films such as 28 weeks later, dawn of the dead and many other zombie movies.

3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

The film studio that i think will distribute my film, is Fox Searchlight Pictures, as they distributed the film, 28 days later, which is of course, a zombie movie which is kind of conventional towards our media product which is based on a zombie attack. This is because Fox Searchlight are really professional with horror genres, such as making the antagonist's look scary by doing professional make up for example they would make zombies look terrifying and realistic to scare people, and they also find the right suitable settings for horror movies too. They are also good at doing special effects in horror movies, for example, in 28 days later they make the effects look realistic such as the zombies eating other human beings, it looks real! My my media project is a medium to a big budget film as it would cost at least £10 million to make. This is because it would need to have great spooky effects which cost a lot to make, plus all the make-up and costumes, and all of the settings that would need to be used. It would also cost to  advertise my film by doing some traditional and technological marketing, with merchandises, the usage of the Internet and TV adverts, and games for xbox etc...  

4.Who would be the audience for your media product?

BBFC website, which tells you about the different ages for specific movies and games, and it included 'blood' in the  '15' section.The gender that would be best for my movie would be both genders as it contains slight romance, and a lot of horror that would be interesting towards both. This is so that we get a wider audience to watch our film. 
I also did a questionnaire to students of the ages 16+, and i found that they like to watch horrors more than thrillers and ROM-COM'S. I also found that they prefer blood in horrors and that if horrors were to be realistic as shown in my pie charts. This is why I added blood to my film and made my opening realistic, as it would attract the audience that it is aimed for, which is 15+ as they prefer this in horrors.

5.How did you attract/address your audience?

To inform my audience about my film, i will advertise it on TV by doing a TV Spot which will last 20 seconds. The advert will include the main characters and will also include a really interesting part of the film that describes the main storyline and then leave a cliff hanger on the end so that it will make audiences wanting to see it because they would want to know what happens. In this clip i will also use spooky music from the film that will grab peoples attention, and titles of the main characters names and what film studio it is by. I will also include a title of when our film is released in cinemas. Another way to attract my audiences even more widely, I will do some traditional and technological marketing.

For example, for technological marketing, I will produce a game for Xbox, PlayStation, PC, and Nintendo, as I have heard that most people play on a game called Call Of Duty, and some of their games contain zombies in them (such as Black Ops), and they sold loads of their games, so I thought that it would be a good idea to produce games that are based on my film. When my film is released and presented in cinema's, then I will make them into DVDs and Blu-Rays, so that people can watch my film. For traditional marketing i will make my film into things such as mugs, tops, key-rings, and maybe posters, just so that my film can make much more money back, than how much it actually cost to make. I could also add QR code's in most magazines so that people can scan it and look at the advertisement of my film.  I could also do some viral marketing, so that when people go on Youtube or Yahoo for example, I could make splashes that appear on peoples computers/ laptops, so that they notice it and will be informed about my new film. This is so that I can get a more bigger range of audiences to watch my film as many people today use the Internet, as shown on statistics .

6.What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

There are many different types of technologies that I have learnt. The camera's I used for my media product were called SONY HD 10'80 Touch Screen. I learnt how to do different movement's with the camera and different angles such as using a horizontal tracking and filming low angles by using a tripod altering it by it's height, and using the handle to pivot the camera  . I also learnt how to zoom in carefully by using the zoom in button on the camera, and also how to zoom out. What i also know when filming is the 180 degree rule, so that my filming looks understandable to the viewer. Another shot that was successful in our opening, was a reverse tracking which rolled out to be a left pan. This is where the camera pulls backwards as the characters was walking towards the camera and then it swept to the left into an area of interest where Ray was holding the door so that the zombies couldn't get in.
I have learnt how to use iMacs to produce and edit my media product. The programme i used was 'Adobe Premiere Pro'. I learnt how to cut parts out of my film, and made it all fit on the time line. I also learnt how to edit my film on this programme, such as using 'dip to black' effects when it changes titles at the beginning, and when it came to the main title 'THEM', I used dip to white to give it a shocking kind of spark to it, to make it look spooky. on some clips I found that it was too light in my film, so I used the lighting effects and made my clips a bit darker so it looks more spooky and brings more tension to my film.
I have also learnt how to create a blog, by adding video clips and adding pictures when I make a new post by clicking on the icons on the top where it says 'insert a video' and 'insert image' to make it look more interesting. I have learnt how to spell check my blog so that there are no spelling errors. I also have kept my writing in the same font, but i have changed the colours so that it looks eye catching and interesting.

7.Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

What i have learnt from the preliminary task to produce my full media product, is how to communicate with other people whilst filming such as telling them how to act, using scripts, and of course their make-up and what they have to wear in the opening of my fiction film.
I have also learnt the 180° rule, where characters in the film must always be on the same side otherwise it would be very confusing, for example, if a character was looking out of the window on the right hand side, and then it cuts to the same character on left hand side, it would bring confusion to the viewer.
I have learnt how to do specific angles such as low angles, tilts, high angles and also movements such as horizontal tracking (left to right, right to left), vertical tracking (up and down), pans, zoom in, zoom out, forward tracking, reverse tracking where the camera pulls backwards for example, if a character runs towards the screen the camera will track backwards, and subjective point of view shots where the camera is the characters eyes.
Another camera shot i have learnt is the shot-reverse-shot, where the camera focuses on two people having a conversation. For example, the camera will focus on one characters face then will switch to the other characters face when they having a conversation, and will also make sure that their eyes are on the same level.

Thursday 23 February 2012

Our Studio Logo.

This is our studio logo that represents our opening of our film (them). We designed this logo on Powerpoint. The VC stands for Victoria & Charlee as we thought it would be good to link our names to the logo as we both did the filming and editing. The 'V' is in an Apple Chancery font at size 287 in dark purple. The 'C' is in an Edwardian Script ITC at size 239 in the same colour which is dark purple. Underneath the VC it says 'Tamworth Media Productions'. The 'T' at the beginning of Tamworth is in the same purple as the VC, same for the 'M' for Media and 'P' for productions. The rest of the letters in the words are in black. The font for Tamworth Media Productions is in Calibri (Body), at the size of 28. We gave it an effective background to bring like a midnight effect to it with the black on the edges and it brings in a midnight blue to make the VC Tamworth Media Productions stand out more with the dark purple showing out more.

Tuesday 21 February 2012


For the zombies, we couldn't get hold of any fake blood, so we decided to make our own.
we used natural red food colouring, and a bit of white flour and it gave such a real effect to the zombies as though it looked like real blood.

The zombies costumes were covered in blood, and they were ripped and scruffy to give them the real  zombie effect.

For the normal characters, they were in casual clothing and just had a natural look to them all. Anna, who gets bitten in the end is in flirty clothing as she is a very girly character and she tends to flirt. Shelly who is Anna's younger sister, wheres comfy clothing as she is a bit of a tomboy and she is moody as her elder sister annoyers her and so does ray. Ray is in dark clothing to show that he is strong and has good knowledge in serious situations (such as the zombie mess).


We have added spooky tension sounds to our opening of our zombie horror so that it makes it a more scary atmosphere and so that it brings tension to the viewer. 
we got our music from this website called: -
the sounds that are included in our zombie opening that are from this website are called-

  • Aftermath
  • The Dread
  • The House Of Leaves.
  • Movement Proposition.
These sounds make a great horror effect to our opening of our zombie film, that bring so much tension and fear to the viewers.

Thursday 16 February 2012


Our opening of a fiction film is set inside a house on on the streets on the same location as the house. We have set it in the evening so that the sky is dull and looks spooky and gives the opening a more scary atmosphere. We filmed it in this area as it is mainly quiet so that our film doesn't get disturbed and that nothing will affect our film.
When we was in the house, we set it up as though it look abandoned. By doing this we covered the TV and the sofa in white sheets to make it look spooky. We also had less lighting in the house so that it give a spooky atmosphere. This lightening is called synthetic lighting, as we have controlled the light for our film. However in the first shots, it was natural lighting as we filmed outside and we did not control the light.

Friday 3 February 2012

Production Schedule.

We planned out a production schedule so we now how, where, and what we will shoot in our film. We printed off about 8 of these, one for ourselfs, and to the rest of the characters who are participating in our film so that thyey also know what is going on.

The Script.

Scrip for ‘THEM’
Charlie: (slow and desperate) Hello? – Hello is there anyone out there? – Hello this is Charlie Morris! Are there any other survivors out there? – We’re running out of supplies and people are leaving the country dramatically! – We need help! – Please! – Anyone? – Someone! Anyone we need help!!...
(Ray walk in to the room carrying supplies, food, blankets etc. everyone looks at him in desperation. Charlie still huddled over the radio looks at him as if he is filth the other girls look to him for help.)
Ray: (to Charlie) No one out there! You may as well cut it out. – Now listen, this is what we know, they’re attracted to light, (to shelly) so turn that lamp down, they feed (finding it hard to say) on us. And they don’t stay in one place for very long.
Anna: (to Ray, Flirting) well you sure do know a lot about them don’t you.
Charlie: (snapping at Anna) Hey, he knows just as much as I do! (Walking over to Anna and sitting down next to here. He puts his arm around here)
(Ray walks into the centre of the room and sits down with the supplies and starts to share them with Shelly. He glances over his shoulder at Charlie and he glares back)
Shelly: It’s quite outside. (She slowly stands up)
Ray: stay away from the window! (Shelly ignores him and edges towards the window)
Charlie: (he specks as if they are going to be married) So if we make it out of this where would you like to go too.
Anna: (basically ignoring him and looking at Ray batting her eyelids) hmm.
Ray: (talking sharply to shelly) don’t!
(Everyone watches on edge as Shelly slowly pulls back the curtain to reveal nothing but her own reflection in the window. Everyone thinks they’re going to be ok. Suddenly a Zombie smacks its faces and body up against the window and every one jumps to their feet. The Zombies start to break through the front door. Everyone looks to where the sound is coming from and then looks at Ray)
Ray: Run! (No one moves out of fear) Move! (Starts to wave his arms in indication to GO!) Now! Go! (They all run out in to the corridor and see the zombies slowly braking through the door. They all look at Ray for instruction. Everyone but Ray is super scared.) Out the back now! (Everyone starts to move quickly towards the back door but stops at the sight of some of the zombies coming in through the back. Ray turns to the front door and starts to fight off some of the zombies. Anna then runs towards the back door still looking at Ray. When she looks forward and sees the Zombies she screams and starts backing up. As she does one of the zombies Jumps on her and starts to rip and bite at her neck. She stumbles back and falls to the floor. Everyone starts to shout ‘No! Anna! Oh God!’ Charlie edges forward wanting to help but being too scared. Ray runs forward and try’s to grab the zombie to get it off her. It sits bolt up and growls in his face and also directly in t the camera.

We gave all of the characters who are perfoming in our play a sheet of the script that we produced, so that they can revise and rehearse it for our film. We also kept one for ourselfs, in order to make sure that they are doing it right and correctly.

We also gave each of the main characters ( the survivers) a sheet that explain how they must act, what they should wear, and their apperance, so that it make out film look proffessional.

Monday 30 January 2012

Idea's for the opening of my fiction film.

Idea 1.
One idea that could be good to film my opening, is to be in a town that is completely empty on a musky grey day. This would give a more real life atmosphere and setting to my horror genre.
As i am doing my fiction film about Zombies, it would make it seem like a more real life experience, like this human disease could actually happen.
The film will start of with a kind of speech at the start explaining how people turned into zombies and how there are few survivers etc and then the camra will do a pan of zombie in the town street and then it will zoom into a shop where there will be 6 survivors who are trying to avoid from getting hurt or attacked by these zombies. Then after this, the younger girl forgets that if the zombie see light or a glow, they will charge for it, so what she does is light a candle and walks up to the shop window and then all the zombies turn their head and stare at the window she is in and then they charge towards the window, and then breaks into the shop they are all in and then manage to attack one of the survivers, and then you see all of the other survivers fun away or trying to kill zombies, and then it stops there.

Idea 2.
At the start of my opening, i could do like a 20 second speech at the start whilst there is different camera angles of zombies, and explain how this human disease has happened. After this i could do a pan shot off loads of zombies in a street and as it is doing this you can hear one of the characters speaking through a walky talky.After, the the camera can then a zoom into a medium close up of the house where the voice is coming from. The camera then switches to a medium close up to one of the characters talking through a walky talky inside the house. The camera then does a horizontal tracking from the charaters face to the other survivers who are all huddled up on the floor scared. After this the camera does a verticle tracking from the survivers who are sitting on the floor to the main leader character who is standing in a door way. The lead surviver then sits with the rest and they then discuss a way to get out of the house as they have hardly got any food or water to keep them alive, then the main leader starts to get things togeter.. In the background you see a young character light up a torch and walks up to the window which is behind the lead then see the young character move the curtain with the torch in their hand, then all of a sudden one of the other survivers shouts dont go by the window with light!  This would be an over the shoulder shot of the lead character with one of the characters in the background shouting out. after this there could be a forward tracking towards the young character in the window where you see her reflection in it, the with a thud you see a zombie jump up at the window and then some how zombies will manage to get through into the house and then starts chasing people. After this, you see all the survivers trying to get away for freedom but unfortunately you see one character who has got caught and a zombie is eating them, and then you see a close up of the eating zombies face as he makes a wierd crawl nose, and then it just cuts there.

Idea 3.
the opening of my zombie film, could start off in a forest. They are in the middle of no where, but they have all managed to find shelter where the zombies cant get to them. They all huddle up inside a cave that was in the forest, but they need to find a way to get them food and water as they have ran out. So what happens is, the lead character and another one goes outside the cave and goes looking for food and water. Then, it goes back to the cave where the rest of the characters are but the other 2 have taken ages, so the characters then decide to go and look for them but there is no sign of them anywhere. All of a sudden, one character looks through a bush, and finds a wierd looking zombie eating one of the characters, and they scream and cuts there.

The idea that we have chosen, is idea 2. We have chose this as it is more easier and simpler for us to do as we have most of the props that are needed for this. We have started to draw up a story bored that will help us plan out the filming etc. We have also drawn up a timeline, so that it all fits in, in the two minutes we have.



The storyboard and timeline will help us to visualise the whole filming through different stages and sections at different time. It will also help us as camerapersons to understand how the film is to be shot.
For each of the timelines, we gave all of the characters who are participating in our film, a copy so they have knowledge of the timing themselves.

Thursday 26 January 2012

Character Profiles for my opening of a fiction film.

I did some research into how i want my characters to look, in order to make a good affective horror for my two minute opening of a fiction film. The website i designed my characters on is -
This helped me by creating different features on each of my specific characters.

The avatars below show what type of characters i want, to be in my horror opening.

Name: Harry.
Gender: Male
Species: Zombie (was human)
Occupation: Employee at a local supermarket, has worked there for 4 years.
Info: He likes eating steak, always thinks about himself, he loves to play football, he has a pretty girlfriend who has gone missing.

Name: Jenny
Gender: Female
Species: Zombie (was human)
Occupation: Full time manager at the carephone warehouse, work there for two years and does outstanding work.
Info: She likes to go night clubbing, going to the spa every sunday, and loves relaxing at home with her boyfriend who she has now eaten.

Name: Charlie
Gender: Male.
Species: Human
Age: 16
Occupation: Goes to college doing music technology, has a part time job at McDonalds.
Info: loves music, he is very lazy, always seems to be down in the dumps.

Name: Anna
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Occupation: Full Time employee at Top Shop, has worked there for 2 years.
Info: Loves fashion and make-up, likes spending time with her friends, she likes to go on hot holidays.

Name: Ray
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Age: 21
Occupation: Full time employee at BMW, has work there for two years.
Info: Loves himself, always trys to impress girls, very strong, and clever.

Name: Shelly
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Age: 14
Occupation: In full time education at high school.
Info: Shelly is Anna's little sister, she also likes fashion, loves doing girly things with her friends.

Thursday 19 January 2012

Opening of a fiction film. Questionnaire report.

For my two minute opening of my fiction film, i did a questionnaire to see what other people prefer, in different types on genres of a movie such as what they would rather expect to see in a horror etc..
Here is the questionnaire that i have produced.

1. What genre do you prefer watching?
  • ROM-COM.          
  • Horror. 
  • Thriller.                                      

2. What makes a good horror?
  • Blood                   
  • Killer                     
  • Scary

3. What kind of affects makes a good thriller?
  • Explosions.
  • Natural Causes.
  • Crime.
4. Would it make ROM-COM'S better, if their stereotypes changed? (i.e blond pretty girls to natural brunettes)

5. Does the setting matter in genres of films?

6. Is it better if horrors seemed more real life, rather than made-up (or fake) ?

7. Do you think that films about average people are better than extraordinary?
  • Yes.
  • No.
8. Do you fund films in the present day more relatable and therefore better?

9. Do you think that a horror or thriller film would be better if it was slightly humours instead of being completely serious?

10. Does it matter what type of couple you would see in a ROM-COM (i.e a straight or homosexual couple) ?

These questionnaires were given out to 10 people.
Here are the results that i have found.

1. more people preferred horror.

 None out of the ten people prefer to watch ROM-COM's. 7 people prefer to watch horrors. This is the most popular. 3 people prefer to watch thrillers. This is the second most popular. This means that more people seem to find horrors more appealing to them.

2. Most people like the idea of having blood in horror films.

Most of the participants of our questionnaire prefered blood to be in a horror film, as it makes it more gorey, and creepyer to watch rather than having it to just be scary, or having a killer in the horror. Blood in horrors tend to represent death, and more horror in real life.

3. More people prefer explosions in a thriller film.

I found that more people prefered explosions in Thrillers as they are more exciting and attention grabbing for the film, with the amazing special affects. 

4. Most people said no that it doesn't matter about the stereotypes changing.

Most people said it doesn't matter about stereotypes in ROM-COM's as all different people can be in love rather than the stereotypical blonde pretty woman  and the attractive good looking man.

5. Most people said yes that it does matter about the setting for genres of films.

I found that it does matter about the setting for genres of films as it wouldn't look right and will likely to cause confussion to the viewer for example, a ROM-COM wouldn't look right if it was to be set in a haunted house, so you wouldn;t know whether i would be a ROM-COM or a horror film.

6. Most people said yes that it is better if horrors seemed more real life.

It is better that horrors seemed more real life as it would be more scary and realistic, which would bring more fear to the viewer of any film.

7. More people said no to films being about average people rather than extraodinary.

Extraodinary people seem to be more exciting for the viewer and makes the film much more interesting.

8. Most people said yes that more films are in the present day which are relatable and makes them better.

It is better that films are set in the present day as it seems more real life and wouldnt be boring if it was something set in the past.

9. Most people said no as horror films are better when they are serious.

It is better when horror films are serious as they seem more scary and make the viewer feel tension; horror films have to be serious as they couldn't be funny etc... meaning they can't be horrors.

10. Most people said that it doesn't matter what types of couples are in a ROM-COM.

The types of couples in ROM-COMs wouldn't really matter as there are different types of couples all around the world, so it wouldn't make a difference.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Mood Board.

A mood board is a type of poster design that may consist of images, text, and samples of objects in a composition of the choice of the mood Creator. (for example a graphic designer).

Romantic Comedy.

Romantic comedy's normally have pop music at the opening's to show it is going to be a funny romantic film. There are always pretty icons in romantic movies such as flowers to show love or they may link to weddings. The men in this genre of movies always seem to be good looking and flirtatious The women normally have attractive features such as big eyes and big lips, and the always try their best to impress. The men and women in these movies seem to be like this as some viewers of the movies look at them as role models because of how attractive they are, so these movies may get much more viewers as they like the characters. You always tend to see couples going on dates, such as going out for meals where they sit opposite each other and they always send to have red wine. The red wine represents love and passion as it is a deep red colour and also it's mainly the expensive wine, so the date is always impressive. In some romantic comedy's, there is sometimes weddings which shows love and happiness, and you may see some dates in movies where the man proposes to the woman, and you see a shot of the engagement ring.


In horror movies, there always tends to be blood. This is because blood is a red colour, and red can resemble to horror and gory things which can frighten the viewers. There is also some spooky masks which normally killers wear to scare people as they are normally frightening masks. In horror movies, it always seems to be in darkness, as darkness is more spooky which makes people scared because you can't really see in the dark and in films, scary scenes always happen in the dark, so when the viewers go to sleep in the dark it will spook them out as their psychological mind will automatically think about the scary scenes which may give them nightmares! In some horrors, candle light or torch light is used in dark scenes such as being in a dark scary forest or a scary corridor or a house, to give a scary atmosphere making it more creepy. Weapons are sometimes used such as guns, knifes, or anything that kills living things. Paleness on the spooky characters is mainly used to show that they are deadly, making the viewer scared. Spooky dolls or clowns are used because normally dolls and clowns are normally happy and positive towards children, but when they are turned into horror icons, it makes the viewers of the movie become frightened of them.


in most thriller movies, you always tend to see crime. For example, there is mainly guns that are used, to show action in movies, which really grab peoples attention. They can also include terrorism which might bring fear and thrill, as terrorism happens sometimes around the world these days. In some thriller movies, you tend to see hazards such as explosions and poisonous items which brings a dangerous atmosphere within the movie, making it more exciting to watch. In some thrillers, you always see pretty women for example 'Angelina Jolie'. This is because people would look up to pretty women as role models which makes the thriller movie even more good for them. Sometimes in thriller movies, you tend to see terrorists or robbers wearing masks, so that the police or other people wouldn't recognise them making the thriller movie more attension grabbing and it would bring thrill to the viewer. You sometimes see gangsters in thriller movies, as they always have weapons and the tend to steal money and kill people. Gangsters tend to make the movie more interesting as they bring so much thrill to the movie. In other thriller movies, you tend to see that some of the characters such as spys and gangsters, tend to have really expensive cars. This shows that they are higher class people as they can afford to have really high standard cars. Also, you see most thriller movies in big citys such as New York, as they are places that are good for action.

Monday 14 November 2011

Contrasting and comparing the openings of romantic comedys.

How to lose a guy in 10 days. (2003) - Directed by Donald Petrie.
- This film opens up with a kind of pop song, overlapping a studio logo, which was Paramount. This makes the film to look more of a happy, funny genre, compared to the horror movies i have done in the previous. After, the pop song still continues but then lyrics appear within the beat of the song, and pictures of womens magazines appear like a kind of slide show. The main girl in the film named Andie Anderson (Kate Hudson) seems to be a journalist, as images of pages in magazines appear with her name and picture. The subtitles also appear over the scene of the opening in bright bold colours, and they slide in; this resembles that it is a happy positive film and not a scary one as it doesn't look spooky or have dark negative features. The two main characters are played by Kate Hudson and Matthew McConaughy. In the subtitles, Kate Hudson's and Matthew McConaughy's name appear on the screen at the same time, but Kate Hudson's name is slightly higher on the right than Matthew McConaughy's as Kate is more well known and more famous that Matthew. Kate Hudsons name is in pink bold writing; this refers to her as a female. And Matthew McConaughys name is in blue; this refers he is a male.
In this film, Andie Anderson (kate Hudson) seems to be a smart intelligent girl as she is a journalist and she works for a popular magazine company. She seems to write stories in the magazines about 'How' to do things, such as 'How to talk your way out of a parking ticket'. She writes this after she almost gets a parking ticket from a male police man- she's a journalist who has power over men as to where she obviously writes a story about 'How to lose a guy in 10 days' refering to the title of the film.
The magazine company is in NewYork; this is a glamorous place where most girls would love to work!
When you see the man (Matthew McConaughy) arriving on a motor bike, a type of rocky music appears, showing that he is cool. When he pulls up outside the magazine company, he take's his helmet off in a glamorous way; this shows that he knows he is cool, and loves himself.
In ROM-COMS, couples always seem to be attractive as you never really see unattractive couples. This is because the directors know that some people look up to movie characters, so it might make more people to watch the movie, as the actors/actressers can be specific rolemodels to people.
When the man comes off his bike, two smartly dressed women come out of the building and stand next to the man. The man is wearing a leather jacket with jeans, and the girls are in smart suites. This shows the women are power dressed as they look better and more intelligent than the man.
Just Like Heaven. (2005) Director-Mark Waters.
- The opening opens up with a soft gentle tone overlapping the DreamWorks logo. This suggests that the movie is going to be a soft romantic comedy. After the production, there's a view of falling down in floating clouds, with the subtitles floating in and out. the subtitles were slightly bold in bright colours such as pink, purple, and yellow. This shows that the movie is going to be in a happy positive film as the colour show happiness as they are bright whereas in the horror movies, the colours are dark and full of fear with the evil reds and orange's and greens. As the clouds start to fade, you see the title appear ( Just Like Heaven) on the right hand side and you see a girl on the left hand side. This is called juxtaposition . After this, there is a shot of the girl sitting in a garden full of pretty pink and white flowers. All of this links to 'heaven' as you see the white fluffy clouds at the beginning, and then you see an image of a pretty garden full of bright flowers. All of a sudden, after this scene, you hear a doctor waking the girl up, she was actually dreaming that she was in heaven. The girl is a stereo typical woman as she has blond hair and blue eyes; this is because most men find these type of girl attractive. the girl seems to be a doctor; this shows that she is intelligent to be good enough for a doctor and also in the movie, it shows that she can multitask, so she is a very clever woman. She also seems to be kind too as she saves ill patients and she cheers poorly children up. In the next scene, you see all the woman doctors in the bathroom, and they are all complaining about their hard lives, about their husbands kids and work. One of the doctors says to the main girl that all she needs to worry about is work as she doesn't have a family, but her face looks all sad as if to say she would love to have a family. Next, she is on the phone to her sister (whilst  she is in the car 'driving'), and her sister has set her up on a date. Her sister has a mad house, as she has two naughty daughters of young ages who are causing trouble and has a loving husband. After, the girl puts the phone down and she sees a big truck coming her way, then all of a sudden she crashes and you see a screen full of white. This shows that the girl has died...

Thursday 3 November 2011

TASK 2: Research Into Existing Products.

Textual analysis of the opening of Halloween (1978) directed by john carpenter.

A COMPASS INTERNATIONAL PICTURES RELEASE. -logo- yellow Black Background. Yellow is a happy colour then it turns orange to red. Red is an evil colour, may refer to blood.
This image would give a spooky opening, making it look like something scary is about to happen after the opening has ended, as the same creepy music continues after the subtitles have finished. 

Camera angles.
 - zooms in to pumpkin ( close up) as subtitles at the begin are appearing on the right, then does an extreme close up of the pumpkins eye. Then it disappears.
This gives a spooky atmosphere to the viewer as the camera is gradually zooming in to an image of horror then boom it just disappears. This may make the viewer feel scared about whats going to happen next in the movie.

- subjective point of view: - in the beginning of the film, it's showing the characters point of view, there are no cuts. This gives the viewer a sight on what the character can see. When the camera is doing this, the viewer will automatically know that this character is the bad guy as the music sounds very creepy and the character seems to be spying on a girl and a boy in a house and as the boy and girl both walk up the stairs, the character walks into the house, and grabs the biggest knife of the kitchen draw, then begins to creep up the stairs after the boy leaves the house. This character then begins to walk up the stairs and goes into the room where the girl is. The viewer then see's this character walking towards the girl, then the girl shouts this characters name, and then all of a sudden, the girl gets stabbed to death by the big kitchen knife. After, the camera zooms out onto a little boys face with him holding the knife which is now covered in the girls blood, which appears to be the little boys big sister, that he has just killed.
mise en scene.
- an image of a pumpkin appears, shows horror.
- the sound of the opening, is a creepy serious tone, making it sound scary.
- dark night and there is cricket noises.
- when the the light goes out in the bedroom, the music jumps to high pitched and can make the watcher jump, making it more creepy
- In the first part of the scene you can hear children laughing.
At the opening of the movie (the subtitles) there is a creepy serious tone that is played by a piano and another kind of instrument, making the viewer feel scared. When it opens to the scene, the music from the subtitles continues but it is overlapped  by hearing children laughing, making the viewer think that there is going to be children involved in this horror movie, making them feel even more terrified. As the subjective point of view shot of the character walks on towards the house, the sound of the children laughing fades and then you just hear some creepy music which is overlapped by cricket noises, giving it a spooky atmosphere. As that character see's the girl and boy walk up stairs in the house, the character looks up to the window, and the lights go out, the the music makes a very high pitched creepy noise, making the viewer jump.

The opening of Red Dragon. Directed by Brett Ratner (2003).

The opening of this film start with a creepy mysterious tone, overlapping the studio logo which is universal studios. The titles are in red and white. The red represents danger,evilness,blood, or violence. The white shows purity, innocents, and goodness. It's a bit like the angel Vs devil kind of thing; good against evil. The titles are on a black background, making it spooky and also makes the titles stand out a lot clearer.After the black background it goes to a long shot view of a stage with loads of people playing instruments, and then does medium close ups and close ups of individuals on the stage that are playing the instruments. The camera then pulls out and goes into the audience and does a juxtaposition shot of Hannible Lector, sitting in the middle of the audience. The camera the zooms into his face to a close up and he focusing on a flute player who it playing on the stage, as the camera cuts back and forth to Hannible, and then to the flute player. This shows that something is going to happen to the flute player as you can tell by the way Hannible is looking and focusing at him, and the way the camera moves, and also the music that is playing, you can hear the flute loader than the rest of the instruments. The setting then goes into a house full of people, and does a horizontal tracking of all the guests sitting around a table in a dinning area with plates of food that hannible has served. All of the guests including hannible are in smart wear, for example, the men are in suits and the girls are in very smart dresses. This show that they are in a high class as they are in very smart wear and the setting around them looks posh, and also only rich people tend to go and watch musical shows. As one of the women suggests that one of the flute players are still missing, the camera then focuses on Hannibles face and he has a suspiscious look, maening that he may have something to do with it as he was focusing on a flute player in the audience. After this the women then asks what meat is it that she is eating, and he replies if i tell you that you wouldn't want to go near it. The camera then focuses on the women trying the meat with hannible next to her, and the does a focus pull where the woman becomes out of focus, but hannibles face becomes more into focus as he is watching her eat the meat. This could suggest that the women is eating something which is bad, it could be the flute player that she is eating. After this, the camera then cuts to hannible clearing everyones mess up, and then you hear a knock at the door. As Hannible answers the door it was an inspector. They then go and sit down on a desk and the camera the does a shot-revearse-shot of them both having a conversation about who could be the killer of all these missing people and where these scars and injuries have come from on people. After this the camera focuses on hannible as he is leaving the room. The inspector then gets up and looks around the room. The camera does a vertical tracking from down upwards of some shelves in Hannibles house. It then does a close up shot on a book and then goes to the inspectors face. The inspector then opens the book and then finds that hannible is the one who is killing these poeple as he has wrote notes on how to, and does an extreme close up on the inspectors eyes looking concerned. This shows that Hannible is in a lot of trouble as the inspector has found out what he is doing. All of a sudden the camera the pulls out and Hannible stabs the inspector as he doesn't want to get into trouble and be in jail for the rest of his life. The camera then does a vertical tracking again but from up to down as the inspector falls to the ground, but it then focuses on Hannible who is walking backwards, and then does a vertical tracking again from his face to his stomach as the inspector manages to stab him with arrows. Hannible then tries to walk forward and then the inspector all of a sudden shoots him.
This is good for the beggining as it would makes viewers want to see more and what actually happens in the rest of the movie. It leaves you on a cliff hanger as you don't know what happens to the inspector and what actually happens to Hannible Lector.