Monday 30 January 2012

Idea's for the opening of my fiction film.

Idea 1.
One idea that could be good to film my opening, is to be in a town that is completely empty on a musky grey day. This would give a more real life atmosphere and setting to my horror genre.
As i am doing my fiction film about Zombies, it would make it seem like a more real life experience, like this human disease could actually happen.
The film will start of with a kind of speech at the start explaining how people turned into zombies and how there are few survivers etc and then the camra will do a pan of zombie in the town street and then it will zoom into a shop where there will be 6 survivors who are trying to avoid from getting hurt or attacked by these zombies. Then after this, the younger girl forgets that if the zombie see light or a glow, they will charge for it, so what she does is light a candle and walks up to the shop window and then all the zombies turn their head and stare at the window she is in and then they charge towards the window, and then breaks into the shop they are all in and then manage to attack one of the survivers, and then you see all of the other survivers fun away or trying to kill zombies, and then it stops there.

Idea 2.
At the start of my opening, i could do like a 20 second speech at the start whilst there is different camera angles of zombies, and explain how this human disease has happened. After this i could do a pan shot off loads of zombies in a street and as it is doing this you can hear one of the characters speaking through a walky talky.After, the the camera can then a zoom into a medium close up of the house where the voice is coming from. The camera then switches to a medium close up to one of the characters talking through a walky talky inside the house. The camera then does a horizontal tracking from the charaters face to the other survivers who are all huddled up on the floor scared. After this the camera does a verticle tracking from the survivers who are sitting on the floor to the main leader character who is standing in a door way. The lead surviver then sits with the rest and they then discuss a way to get out of the house as they have hardly got any food or water to keep them alive, then the main leader starts to get things togeter.. In the background you see a young character light up a torch and walks up to the window which is behind the lead then see the young character move the curtain with the torch in their hand, then all of a sudden one of the other survivers shouts dont go by the window with light!  This would be an over the shoulder shot of the lead character with one of the characters in the background shouting out. after this there could be a forward tracking towards the young character in the window where you see her reflection in it, the with a thud you see a zombie jump up at the window and then some how zombies will manage to get through into the house and then starts chasing people. After this, you see all the survivers trying to get away for freedom but unfortunately you see one character who has got caught and a zombie is eating them, and then you see a close up of the eating zombies face as he makes a wierd crawl nose, and then it just cuts there.

Idea 3.
the opening of my zombie film, could start off in a forest. They are in the middle of no where, but they have all managed to find shelter where the zombies cant get to them. They all huddle up inside a cave that was in the forest, but they need to find a way to get them food and water as they have ran out. So what happens is, the lead character and another one goes outside the cave and goes looking for food and water. Then, it goes back to the cave where the rest of the characters are but the other 2 have taken ages, so the characters then decide to go and look for them but there is no sign of them anywhere. All of a sudden, one character looks through a bush, and finds a wierd looking zombie eating one of the characters, and they scream and cuts there.

The idea that we have chosen, is idea 2. We have chose this as it is more easier and simpler for us to do as we have most of the props that are needed for this. We have started to draw up a story bored that will help us plan out the filming etc. We have also drawn up a timeline, so that it all fits in, in the two minutes we have.



The storyboard and timeline will help us to visualise the whole filming through different stages and sections at different time. It will also help us as camerapersons to understand how the film is to be shot.
For each of the timelines, we gave all of the characters who are participating in our film, a copy so they have knowledge of the timing themselves.

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