Thursday 23 February 2012

Our Studio Logo.

This is our studio logo that represents our opening of our film (them). We designed this logo on Powerpoint. The VC stands for Victoria & Charlee as we thought it would be good to link our names to the logo as we both did the filming and editing. The 'V' is in an Apple Chancery font at size 287 in dark purple. The 'C' is in an Edwardian Script ITC at size 239 in the same colour which is dark purple. Underneath the VC it says 'Tamworth Media Productions'. The 'T' at the beginning of Tamworth is in the same purple as the VC, same for the 'M' for Media and 'P' for productions. The rest of the letters in the words are in black. The font for Tamworth Media Productions is in Calibri (Body), at the size of 28. We gave it an effective background to bring like a midnight effect to it with the black on the edges and it brings in a midnight blue to make the VC Tamworth Media Productions stand out more with the dark purple showing out more.

Tuesday 21 February 2012


For the zombies, we couldn't get hold of any fake blood, so we decided to make our own.
we used natural red food colouring, and a bit of white flour and it gave such a real effect to the zombies as though it looked like real blood.

The zombies costumes were covered in blood, and they were ripped and scruffy to give them the real  zombie effect.

For the normal characters, they were in casual clothing and just had a natural look to them all. Anna, who gets bitten in the end is in flirty clothing as she is a very girly character and she tends to flirt. Shelly who is Anna's younger sister, wheres comfy clothing as she is a bit of a tomboy and she is moody as her elder sister annoyers her and so does ray. Ray is in dark clothing to show that he is strong and has good knowledge in serious situations (such as the zombie mess).


We have added spooky tension sounds to our opening of our zombie horror so that it makes it a more scary atmosphere and so that it brings tension to the viewer. 
we got our music from this website called: -
the sounds that are included in our zombie opening that are from this website are called-

  • Aftermath
  • The Dread
  • The House Of Leaves.
  • Movement Proposition.
These sounds make a great horror effect to our opening of our zombie film, that bring so much tension and fear to the viewers.

Thursday 16 February 2012


Our opening of a fiction film is set inside a house on on the streets on the same location as the house. We have set it in the evening so that the sky is dull and looks spooky and gives the opening a more scary atmosphere. We filmed it in this area as it is mainly quiet so that our film doesn't get disturbed and that nothing will affect our film.
When we was in the house, we set it up as though it look abandoned. By doing this we covered the TV and the sofa in white sheets to make it look spooky. We also had less lighting in the house so that it give a spooky atmosphere. This lightening is called synthetic lighting, as we have controlled the light for our film. However in the first shots, it was natural lighting as we filmed outside and we did not control the light.

Friday 3 February 2012

Production Schedule.

We planned out a production schedule so we now how, where, and what we will shoot in our film. We printed off about 8 of these, one for ourselfs, and to the rest of the characters who are participating in our film so that thyey also know what is going on.

The Script.

Scrip for ‘THEM’
Charlie: (slow and desperate) Hello? – Hello is there anyone out there? – Hello this is Charlie Morris! Are there any other survivors out there? – We’re running out of supplies and people are leaving the country dramatically! – We need help! – Please! – Anyone? – Someone! Anyone we need help!!...
(Ray walk in to the room carrying supplies, food, blankets etc. everyone looks at him in desperation. Charlie still huddled over the radio looks at him as if he is filth the other girls look to him for help.)
Ray: (to Charlie) No one out there! You may as well cut it out. – Now listen, this is what we know, they’re attracted to light, (to shelly) so turn that lamp down, they feed (finding it hard to say) on us. And they don’t stay in one place for very long.
Anna: (to Ray, Flirting) well you sure do know a lot about them don’t you.
Charlie: (snapping at Anna) Hey, he knows just as much as I do! (Walking over to Anna and sitting down next to here. He puts his arm around here)
(Ray walks into the centre of the room and sits down with the supplies and starts to share them with Shelly. He glances over his shoulder at Charlie and he glares back)
Shelly: It’s quite outside. (She slowly stands up)
Ray: stay away from the window! (Shelly ignores him and edges towards the window)
Charlie: (he specks as if they are going to be married) So if we make it out of this where would you like to go too.
Anna: (basically ignoring him and looking at Ray batting her eyelids) hmm.
Ray: (talking sharply to shelly) don’t!
(Everyone watches on edge as Shelly slowly pulls back the curtain to reveal nothing but her own reflection in the window. Everyone thinks they’re going to be ok. Suddenly a Zombie smacks its faces and body up against the window and every one jumps to their feet. The Zombies start to break through the front door. Everyone looks to where the sound is coming from and then looks at Ray)
Ray: Run! (No one moves out of fear) Move! (Starts to wave his arms in indication to GO!) Now! Go! (They all run out in to the corridor and see the zombies slowly braking through the door. They all look at Ray for instruction. Everyone but Ray is super scared.) Out the back now! (Everyone starts to move quickly towards the back door but stops at the sight of some of the zombies coming in through the back. Ray turns to the front door and starts to fight off some of the zombies. Anna then runs towards the back door still looking at Ray. When she looks forward and sees the Zombies she screams and starts backing up. As she does one of the zombies Jumps on her and starts to rip and bite at her neck. She stumbles back and falls to the floor. Everyone starts to shout ‘No! Anna! Oh God!’ Charlie edges forward wanting to help but being too scared. Ray runs forward and try’s to grab the zombie to get it off her. It sits bolt up and growls in his face and also directly in t the camera.

We gave all of the characters who are perfoming in our play a sheet of the script that we produced, so that they can revise and rehearse it for our film. We also kept one for ourselfs, in order to make sure that they are doing it right and correctly.

We also gave each of the main characters ( the survivers) a sheet that explain how they must act, what they should wear, and their apperance, so that it make out film look proffessional.